I'm running boxturtle. The opencv2 rospkg works fine, and rosdep goes through too: grasping@owyhee-ubuntu:~/ros/stacks/image_pipeline$ rosdep install videre_stereo_cam executing this script: set -o errexit #No Packages to install Here's the log for videre_stereo_cam ( it's long! ) grasping@owyhee-ubuntu:~/ros/stacks/image_pipeline$ rosmake videre_stereo_cam [ rosmake ] Packages requested are: ['videre_stereo_cam'] [ rosmake ] Logging to directory [ rosmake ] /home/grasping/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20100620-104110 [ rosmake ] Expanded args ['videre_stereo_cam'] to: ['videre_stereo_cam'] [ rosmake ] Checking rosdeps compliance for packages videre_stereo_cam. This may take a few seconds. [ rosmake ] rosdep check passed all system dependencies in packages [ rosmake ] Prebuilding rospack [ rosmake ] Prebuilding gtest [ rosmake ] Prebuilding genmsg_cpp [ rosmake ] [ 2 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> roslang >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< roslang <<< No Makefile in package roslang [ rosmake ] [ 2 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> roslib >>> [ make ] [ rosmake ] [ 3 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> xmlrpcpp >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< xmlrpcpp <<< [PASS] [ 1.35 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 4 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> opencv2 >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< opencv2 <<< [PASS] [ 0.03 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 5 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> pycrypto >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< pycrypto <<< [PASS] [ 0.04 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 6 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> paramiko >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< paramiko <<< [PASS] [ 0.08 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 7 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> tinyxml >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< roslib <<< [PASS] [ 3.33 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 8 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> rosconsole >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< tinyxml <<< [PASS] [ 1.44 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 9 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> rospy >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< rospy <<< [PASS] [ 1.10 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 10 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> std_msgs >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< rosconsole <<< [PASS] [ 1.90 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 11 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> roscpp >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< roscpp <<< [PASS] [ 3.38 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 12 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> rosout >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< rosout <<< [PASS] [ 1.29 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 13 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> roslaunch >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< roslaunch <<< No Makefile in package roslaunch [ rosmake ] [ 14 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> rostest >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< rostest <<< [PASS] [ 1.17 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 15 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> message_filters >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< message_filters <<< [PASS] [ 1.84 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 16 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> pluginlib >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< std_msgs <<< [PASS] [ 9.39 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 17 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> topic_tools >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< pluginlib <<< [PASS] [ 1.75 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 18 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> yaml_cpp >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< yaml_cpp <<< [PASS] [ 0.09 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 19 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> rosmsg >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< rosmsg <<< No Makefile in package rosmsg [ rosmake ] [ 20 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> rosservice >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< rosservice <<< [PASS] [ 1.15 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 21 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> dynamic_reconfigure >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< topic_tools <<< [PASS] [ 3.13 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 22 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> rosrecord >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< rosrecord <<< [PASS] [ 2.27 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 23 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> rosbagmigration >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< rosbagmigration <<< No Makefile in package rosbagmigration [ rosmake ] [ 24 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> geometry_msgs >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< dynamic_reconfigure <<< [PASS] [ 4.58 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 25 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> diagnostic_msgs >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< diagnostic_msgs <<< [PASS] [ 2.73 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 26 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> diagnostic_updater >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< diagnostic_updater <<< [PASS] [ 1.66 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 27 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> self_test >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< self_test <<< [PASS] [ 2.05 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 28 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> driver_base >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< geometry_msgs <<< [PASS] [ 8.01 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 29 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> sensor_msgs >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< driver_base <<< [PASS] [ 2.28 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 30 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> bullet >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< bullet <<< [PASS] [ 1.48 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 31 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> angles >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< sensor_msgs <<< [PASS] [ 4.48 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 32 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> cv_bridge >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< angles <<< [PASS] [ 1.19 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 33 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> stereo_msgs >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< cv_bridge <<< [PASS] [ 1.11 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 34 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> image_transport >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< stereo_msgs <<< [PASS] [ 1.58 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 35 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> image_geometry >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< image_transport <<< [PASS] [ 1.90 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 36 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> camera_calibration_parsers >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< image_geometry <<< [PASS] [ 1.36 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 37 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> rosnode >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< rosnode <<< [PASS] [ 1.10 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 38 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> roswtf >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< camera_calibration_parsers <<< [PASS] [ 1.65 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 39 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> image_proc >>> [ make ] [rosmake-1] <<< roswtf <<< [PASS] [ 1.07 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 40 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> tf >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< image_proc <<< [PASS] [ 1.76 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 41 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-0] >>> stereo_image_proc >>> [ make ] [rosmake-0] <<< stereo_image_proc <<< [PASS] [ 2.07 seconds ] [rosmake-1] <<< tf <<< [PASS] [ 3.40 seconds ] [ rosmake ] [ 43 of 44 Completed ] [rosmake-1] >>> videre_stereo_cam >>> [ make ] [ rosmake ] Last 40 lines {------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/include/dcam1394/image_proc.h:230: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘CvMat’ with no type /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/include/dcam1394/image_proc.h:230: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/include/dcam1394/image_proc.h:232: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘CvMat’ with no type /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/include/dcam1394/image_proc.h:232: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/include/dcam1394/image_proc.h:233: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘CvMat’ with no type /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/include/dcam1394/image_proc.h:233: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/include/dcam1394/image_proc.h:234: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘CvMat’ with no type /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/include/dcam1394/image_proc.h:234: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/include/dcam1394/image_proc.h:235: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘IplImage’ with no type /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/include/dcam1394/image_proc.h:235: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/include/dcam1394/image_proc.h:236: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘IplImage’ with no type /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/include/dcam1394/image_proc.h:236: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘*’ token make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/dcam1394.dir/src/dcam1394/dcam1394.o] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/build' make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/dcam1394.dir/all] Error 2 make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp: In constructor ‘StereoView::StereoView(ros::NodeHandle&)’: /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp:362: error: ‘CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE’ was not declared in this scope /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp:362: error: ‘cvNamedWindow’ was not declared in this scope /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp:364: error: ‘cvSetMouseCallback’ was not declared in this scope /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp:366: error: ‘cvGetWindowHandle’ was not declared in this scope /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp:371: error: ‘cvStartWindowThread’ was not declared in this scope /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp: In destructor ‘StereoView::~StereoView()’: /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp:392: error: ‘cvDestroyWindow’ was not declared in this scope /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp: In member function ‘void StereoView::showImage(const char*, const sensor_msgs::Image&, sensor_msgs::CvBridge&)’: /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp:403: error: ‘cvShowImage’ was not declared in this scope /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp:405: error: ‘cvShowImage’ was not declared in this scope /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp: In member function ‘void StereoView::imageCB(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr&, const stereo_msgs::DisparityImageConstPtr&)’: /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp:443: error: ‘imshow’ is not a member of ‘cv’ /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp: In member function ‘void StereoView::saveImage(const char*, const IplImage*)’: /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp:450: error: ‘cvSaveImage’ was not declared in this scope /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp: In static member function ‘static void StereoView::mouseCB(int, int, int, int, void*)’: /home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/src/disparity_view.cpp:459: error: ‘CV_EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN’ was not declared in this scope make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/disparity_view.dir/src/disparity_view.o] Error 1 make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/build' make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/disparity_view.dir/all] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/build' make[1]: *** [all] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/grasping/ros/stacks/image_pipeline/videre_stereo_cam/build' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------} [ rosmake ] Output from build of package videre_stereo_cam written to: [ rosmake ] /home/grasping/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20100620-104110/videre_stereo_cam/build_output.log [rosmake-1] <<< videre_stereo_cam <<< [FAIL] [ 9.39 seconds ] [ rosmake ] Halting due to failure in package videre_stereo_cam. [ rosmake ] Waiting for other threads to complete. [ rosmake ] Summary output to directory [ rosmake ] /home/grasping/.ros/rosmake/rosmake_output-20100620-104110 -- View this message in context: http://ros-users.122217.n3.nabble.com/cameradc1394-and-stereo-images-tp210461p909525.html Sent from the ROS-Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ThinkGeek and WIRED's GeekDad team up for the Ultimate GeekDad Father's Day Giveaway. ONE MASSIVE PRIZE to the lucky parental unit. See the prize list and enter to win: http://p.sf.net/sfu/thinkgeek-promo _______________________________________________ ros-users mailing list ros-users@lists.sourceforge.net https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/ros-users