Hi, I'm trying to get the JTTelopController running on our robot. At first, I checked out the version tagged for cturtle but the telop_controllers package had a ROS_BUILD_BLACKLIST in it so I moved on to 'latest' (r39163). From latest I found the launch files formerly in cartesian_controller_tutorial in telop_microscribe, launched c_jt.launch (a file that we were using during the workshop), but then I received errors about something failing to load the controllers (see below). Have you seen these errors before and possibly know how to fix them? Errors from roslaunch: [ERROR] 1277263944.599523: Failed to load l_cart [ERROR] 1277263945.605297: Failed to load r_cart Errors from rosout: Node: /realtime_loop Could not load controller 'l_cart' because controller type 'JTTeleopController' does not exist Node: /realtime_loop Could not load class JTTeleopController: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class JTTeleopController with base class type pr2_controller_interface::Controller does not exist. Declared types are CasterCalibrationController CheckoutController CounterbalanceTestController GripperCalibrationController HeadPositionController HysteresisController JointCalibrationController JointLimitCalibrationController MotorJointCalibrationController TFFController TestController WristCalibrationController WristDifferenceController ethercat_trigger_controllers/MultiTriggerController ethercat_trigger_controllers/ProjectorController ethercat_trigger_controllers/TriggerController pr2_mechanism_controllers/CasterController pr2_mechanism_controllers/CasterControllerNode pr2_mechanism_controllers/LaserScannerTrajController pr2_mechanism_controllers/Pr2BaseController pr2_mechanism_controllers/Pr2BaseController2 pr2_mechanism_controllers/Pr2GripperController pr2_mechanism_controllers/Pr2Odometry robot_mechanism_controllers/CartesianPoseController robot_mechanism_controllers/CartesianTwistController robot_mechanism_controllers/CartesianWrenchController robot_mechanism_controllers/JointEffortController robot_mechanism_controllers/JointPositionController robot_mechanism_controllers/JointSplineTrajectoryController robot_mechanism_controllers/JointTrajectoryActionController robot_mechanism_controllers/JointVelocityController On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 8:04 PM, Stuart Glaser wrote: > Hi all, > > I'm happy to announce the first release of the pr2_cockpit stack.  The > pr2_cockpit stack contains the teleoperation system in use here a > Willow Garage, including a set of Cartesian controllers.  This stack > is a research stack, and may undergo sweeping changes to the API and > structure. > > Once the wiki updates, the documentation for the pr2_cockpit stack can > be found here: > > http://www.ros.org/wiki/pr2_cockpit > http://www.ros.org/wiki/teleop_controllers > > Of particular note is the JTTeleopController in the teleop_controllers package. > > Enjoy, > -Stu > > -- > Stuart Glaser > sglaser -at- willowgarage -dot- com > www.willowgarage.com > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users > -- Hai Nguyen CS, Robotics