Hello, I'm working through the Gazebo tutorials (specifically: http://www.ros.org/wiki/simulator_gazebo/Tutorials/Gazebo_ROS_API) and have a couple of questions. First, the tutorial says that running these two commands: roscore rosrun gazebo gazebo `rospack find gazebo_worlds`/worlds/empty.world is equivalent to running this command: roslaunch gazebo_worlds empty_world.launch But when I run the first two, after the second I get this error: [/opt/ros/latest/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo/gazebo-svn/server/GazeboConfig.cc:124] Unable to find the file ~/.gazeborc. Using default paths. This may cause OGRE to fail. Error Loading Gazebo /opt/ros/latest/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo/gazebo-svn/server/rendering/OgreAdaptor.cc:445 : Exception: unable to find rendering system whereas when I run roslaunch, everything seems to work. The empty_worlds.launch file sets up a number of paths, and the error message says it can't find ~/.gazeborc, so does the rosrun version depend on having those paths set up in .gazeborc? Second, having got Gazebo running using roslaunch, the tutorial says I should have a long list of services running. When I run 'rosservice list', however, I get just these: /delete_model /gazebo_1277325143809689885/get_loggers /gazebo_1277325143809689885/set_logger_level /rosout/get_loggers /rosout/set_logger_level /spawn_model Likewise for rostopic; this is my output: /clock /rosout /rosout_agg Should I definitely expect to see the services and topics listed in the tutorial? If so, is there something I haven't configured correctly? Thanks! (FYI, I'm running an installation of ros-latest that was set up for me by someone else here in the lab.) Mike