Are you sure that the "joy" package is built? I tried a simple test and this worked for me: $ roscreate-pkg bar joy ... kwc@bqv:/home/kwc/workspace$ cd bar kwc@bqv:/home/kwc/workspace/bar$ echo "import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('bar'); from joy.msg import Joy; print Joy" > kwc@bqv:/home/kwc/workspace/bar$ python On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 3:04 PM, Mike Purvis wrote: > Hi all, > I'm sorry if this a dumb question, but I'm having trouble importing the Joy > message into my python script. My manifest: > >    >      clearpath_horizon >    >   Mike Purvis >   BSD >    >   ... >    >   ... > > And then I run rosmake without a problem (and I can roscd to joy, and run > joy_node without a problem, verifying its operation with rostopic echo). > In my own node, I have: > #!/usr/bin/python > # ROS stuff > import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('clearpath_horizon') > import rospy > from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist > from joy.msg import Joy > rospy.init_node('horizon_joy', anonymous=True) > But on startup, it dies with: >   File "/home/mpurvis/Clearpath/ros-clearpath/clearpath_horizon/src/", > line 9, in >     from joy.msg import Joy > ImportError: No module named msg > Can anyone figure out what's going on here? I use messages from > geometry_msgs and nav_msgs, and even gps_common. So I'm not sure what could > be the issue here. Failing some silly error in the above, is there something > special in the way the joy package is set up that I need to accommodate? > Would it be better to just copy the message file over and remove the > dependency? > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > > >