Dear Eitan, I did some more tests trying to reproduce the behaviour of driving backwards. I failed. The time I increased the rate of the /scan topic to 6Hz everything worked well. Now I lowered the rate to 3Hz to test, if this was the reason for the weird behaviour I saw 2 weeks ago. Even with this low scan rate and lots of CostMap timeouts the planner works well. I modified a couple of things in the meantime. The local planner parameters are now very similar to the default values. I updated the navigation stack to 1.0.7. I am glad its working but I would also like to know why it was not working right from the start. The only reason I can think of after I did these tests today is that 1) there was a bug in the navigation stack I used 2 weeks ago and this bug has been fixed 2) the local planner parameters I posted here lead to the poor performance (I had very low acceleration values) Regards Christian