I'm trying to store two serial numbers as ros parameters. The first, 00000292 works in that I can rosparam set it and get the same value. The second 00000303 is apparently assumed to be in octal, so when I read it I get 195 decimal. To be clear: > rosparam set /foo/ser1 "00000292" > rosparam set /foo/ser2 "00000303" > rosparam get /foo/ser1 00000292 > rosparam get /foor/ser2 195 Now if I set them programmatically, I get a different inconsistency. n_.setParam("/foo/Ser1", "00000292"); n_.setParam("/foo/Ser2", "00000303"); > rosparam get /foo/ser1 00000292 > rosparam get /foo/ser2 '00000303' So my general question is how can I force my parameter to be a certain type? -Aaron