On Tue, 2010-07-06 at 10:59 -0700, Jeremy Leibs wrote: > On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Michael Styer wrote: > > Hello, > > > > Earlier this year (before I started working with ROS), I did a project > > using a pre-recorded robot navigation dataset (from RAWSEEDS). I'd like > > to try re-implementing the project in ROS, and of course it would be > > great to be able to use the ROS bagfile tools to play back the data. But > > it's not in a bagfile now. > > > > Has anyone else had to get data that was recorded in a different format > > into the ROS bagfile format? If so, how did you do it? (Even better if > > it was one of the RAWSEEDS datasets...) > > > > I have no familiarity with the RAWSEEDS datasets, but it has been our > goal to make this kind of transformation as painless as possible, > which is why we have provided a programmatic interface for both > reading and writing to bagfiles in cturtle. > > The only hard part is going to be writing yourself a parser for your > existing file format that loads the data into the appropriate ROS > messages. Someone else may be able to provide you with some more > advice on that front. > > Once you have the data extracted from your current format and loaded > into an appropraite ROS message, dumping it into the bag is trivial. > Obviously there might be slightly fancier logic required if you are > reading different message types, but that's still all going to be in > your parser. > > Good luck! Thanks, Jeremy. So I need to write the parser, but then I can read the data (and the timestamp) from the other datafile and write it into the bagfile. Sounds pretty straightforward. I'll let you know if/when I get it running. Mike