On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 1:27 PM, Renato Samperio wrote: > I was wondering why is that this node is not a library but a executional > node? We needed a simple, supported camera driver for generic 1394 cameras that fit into the ROS image_pipeline design. No one asked for a C++ API... http://www.ros.org/wiki/camera1394/Reviews/2010-05-27_API_Review The current C++ interfaces used by the camera1394 node are internal to the driver, not a general C++ API. They will almost certainly change in the next release. The code is provided under various open source licenses. You are (of course) free to copy and modify it to suit your needs. If there is a need for a library API for IIDC cameras, that could be provided in a future release. The first step would be to identify the requirements. What problem are we trying to solve? I still have no clear understanding of what you are trying to accomplish. I understand that the BumbleBee is a stereo camera that provides left and right images interleaved in a single packed 1394 data stream. I believe there is already a specific ROS driver for that device. Camera1394 is a monocular driver, it currently does not handle the BumbleBee correctly. -- joq