Hi Sebastien, > About accelerometer data, should I use IMU data format ? > (http://www.ros.org/doc/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/Imu.html) ? Should I also > publish raw data topics, as I sometime can see ? If you can, I would recommend using the IMU data format. I would not see the raw data topics as being as important. > Wiimote package embeds everything related to the remote, accelerometer, > LEDs, rumble, etc... When developing more code, should I create a (huge) > N900 package, with accelerometers, camera, LEDs, sound recorder, etc... ? > Should I define a stack for this purpose, with dedicated packages for each > N900 "features" ? Only one driver can access the wiimote at a time, so it ends up requiring a monolithic driver. I suspect that in the case of your phone, multiple drivers could simultaneously be accessing different parts of the hardware, so I suspect that a single monolithic driver is not necessary. In that case I would recommend splitting it up into independent components whenever possible. What to group into a stack is mainly determined by how you want to manage releases. The model of one stack with separate packages for each "feature" sounds fine to me. Blaise