Hi Pedro et al, At Brown, we are solving the detection of new nodes/removal of nodes in the network by using the BATMAN mesh networking protocol (http://www.open-mesh.org/). With the BATMAN executable running on each robot, all of the multicasting and routing are handled automagically. Then, the robots can send messages to each other simply by using C++ sockets. We have a (very!) experimental ROS node that queries BATMAN to get the neighbors of each robot and the corresponding link qualities available in the Brown experimental ROS SVN repository: svn checkout http://brown-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/experimental/meshnet/batman_mesh_info Regarding handling the messages sent among the robots, for now we have custom C++ code to send ROS topics (serialized into byte arrays) that are specific to our application. Moving towards a more general solution, using foreign_relay for message passing sounds like an interesting alternative. Please elaborate a bit more on the exact problems you have encountered. Best, Aggeliki Tsoli Brown University USA