On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Ken Conley wrote: > More information here: > > http://www.ros.org/news/2010/07/ros-c-turtle-alpha-5-released.html > >  -- your friendly neighborhood ROS C Turtle team We have been upgrading many of our students from boxturtle to cturtle. The binary installs seem to work fine. But several students stumbled over problems of binary incompatibility for external packages built with the two releases. After installing the cturtle packages, they update $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH and try to run their code. It generally segfaults, and they don't know what to do (these are smart, but relatively inexperienced undergraduates). Even running rosmake again does not work. Apparently, the build subtree is full of incompatible files. So, they need to at least use the rosmake --pre-clean option. I've been recommending that they check out a whole new tree and build that. So, this is not a big deal, but I was surprised how much confusion it created. It should probably be documented somehow in the release notes. If it were possible for rosmake and rosrun to detect packages built with the old ABI and issue a clear warning, that would help a lot. Even better if rosmake could automatically do the right thing (e.g. "make clean && make"). I consider this more of a documentation issue than a defect, but probably many more users will stumble over it soon. --  joq