Dear colleagues, I am using ROS to build a robotic ocean sampler that can sample sea water and use computer vision to count and characterize plastic debris. Plastic is collecting in our oceans at an alarming rate and this robotic sampler is designed to float in the North Pacific Gyre for several months, taking samples periodically. It is still in an early stage, but here is a link to the video of playing back a bag file that has telemetry and imagery inside: For context, the images are of backlit transparent tubing that is about 1cm in diameter. You'll see plastic particles go by occasionally. On a related note, if anyone has a hint on how to calibrate a camera that has a field of view of about 1cm x 1cm at a distance of 25cm, I'd appreciate any hints :) I have been thinking about making a teeny tiny checkerboard, but I'm not really sure of the best way to do that yet. Also, I am using the camera1394 node with a Point Grey Chameleon and it is working nicely. regards, -andrew