Hi all, I was wondering how useful it would be to split the current turtle_teleop package into a turtle_teleop_joy and a turtle_teleop_key package? Currently I see two advantages and one disadvantage: + people who don't have a suitable joystick can skip building some dependent packages (cwiid, joy, ps3joy, spacenav, spacenav_node, wiimote). + some of the joystick nodes currently Linux-specific code, which means they won't compile on other operating systems out of the box. - overhead of an extra package. On my FreeBSD laptop I just commented out the above dependencies from turtle_teleop/manifest.xml and also commented out the turtle_teleop_joy line from turtle_teleop/CMakelists.txt, after which the tutorial works fine. I do have an USB-XBox360 controller, so I could look into patching the offending nodes. Comments? Regards, Rene -- http://www.rene-ladan.nl/ GPG fingerprint = E738 5471 D185 7013 0EE0 4FC8 3C1D 6F83 12E1 84F6 (subkeys.pgp.net)