Hi Vinay, Sorry for the slow reply, I just got back from vacation. Looking below, you say that you ran: rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find hokuyo_node`/hokuyo_test.vcg But a couple of lines down, it looks like what you actually ran is: rosrun rviz rviz -d 'rospack find hokuyo_node' /hokuyo_test.vcg Note that you replaced ` with ' (back quote with normal quote), and you added a space before /hokuyo_test.vcg Try running the line with the backquotes and no space. Blaise On Mon, 2010-07-12 at 18:31 -0700, Vinay K wrote: > Hi Blaise, > > I checked with the following command and I can see "scan", so laser is > working right?? > vros@ubuntu:~$ rostopic list > /clock > /diagnostics > /hokuyo_node/parameter_descriptions > /hokuyo_node/parameter_updates > /rosout > /rosout_agg > /scan > /time > > Now I tried something different. I executed "$ rosrun hokuyo_node > hokuyo_node" on the pioneer bot and for visualization on rviz I > executed > "$ rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find hokuyo_node`/hokuyo_test.vcg" on my base computer [on which ROS master is running, I am connected to pioneer > > through ssh] > > vros@ubuntu:~$ rosrun rviz rviz -d 'rospack find hokuyo_node' /hokuyo_test.vcg > [ INFO] 0.000000000: Loading general config from [/home/vros/.rviz/config] > [ INFO] 0.000000000: Loading display config from [/home/vros/.rviz/display_config] > > [ERROR] 0.000000000: File [rospack find hokuyo_node] does not exist > > As hokuyo_node is publishing to ROS master running on base computer [remote computer], hence rviz can subscribe to scan topic. Am I right?. Please > > tell me how to resolve this issue. > > Thanks > Vinay > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users