It's probably the case that your laptop hostname is not route-able from the basestation. There are many ways to resolve this. Please see: hope this helps, - Ken On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 6:21 PM, Adam Leeper wrote: > Hi- > > I am trying to run a camera that is plugged into my laptop and I want to > publish messages that can be received by processes running on the robot > and/or basestation. I have correctly set the ROS_MASTER_URI to point to the > robot. I can tell because if I rostopic list on my laptop I get all the > robot topics, and if I run rviz I can also see all the robot state and > sensor data. For some reason though, it seems my laptop is not able to > publish messages back to the robot or basestation. The laptop is physically > connected to the same switch as the basestation and robot through an > ethernet cable. > > From my laptop I have a node publishing an image topic, called > /camera/image. On both the laptop and the basestation I have image_view > nodes subscribed to the /camera/image. > > On my laptop the image_view window shows the image as expected. Doing > rostopic info /camera/image shows that there are two image_view processes > subscribed to the topic (one from the laptop and one from the basestation). > > rostopic info /camera/image > Type: sensor_msgs/Image > Publishers: >  * /uvc_cam (http://jks-g51:59684/) > Subscribers: >  * /image_view_1279845826710500129 (http://jks-g51:33511/) >  * /image_view_1279846165570567012 (http://stair4-basestation:41138/) > > > > On the basestation the image_view window does NOT show the image at all. > Doing rostopic hz/echo /camera/image shows no imcoming messages. However, > rostopic list still shows the /camera/image topic, and doing rostopic info > shows the same info as from the laptop. > > rostopic info /camera/image > Type: sensor_msgs/Image > > Publishers: >  * /uvc_cam (http://jks-g51:59684/) > > Subscribers: >  * /image_view_1279845826710500129 (http://jks-g51:33511/) >  * /image_view_1279846165570567012 (http://stair4-basestation:41138/) > > > As a final test, I tried plugging the camera into the basestation and doing > the same thing. In this case both the basestation AND the laptop > successfully get the image topics, as seen through image_view and the > various rostopic tools. > > I don't understand why the messages aren't getting transmitted outbound from > the laptop. It seems everything else works fine, including messages from the > basestation or robot to the laptop. Can anyone see what is wrong with this > or give me places to look? > > Thanks! > --Adam > > > > > > > Adam Leeper > Stanford University > > 719.358.3804 > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > > >