I just did an install (from binaries) of cturtle onto a new machine running Ubuntu 10.04, and things seem to mostly work but I noticed if I tried to image_view an image topic using compressed transport it did not work. So I tried: $ rosrun image_transport list_transports Declared transports: compressed (*): Not available. Try 'rosmake compressed_image_transport'. raw theora (*): Not available. Try 'rosmake theora_image_transport'. Details: ---------- "compressed" *** Plugins are not built. *** - Provided by package: compressed_image_transport - Publisher: This plugin publishes a CompressedImage using either JPEG or PNG compression. - Subscriber: This plugin decompressed a CompressedImage topic. ---------- "raw" - Provided by package: image_transport - Publisher: This is the default publisher. It publishes the Image as-is on the base topic. - Subscriber: This is the default pass-through subscriber for topics of type sensor_msgs/Image. ---------- "theora" *** Plugins are not built. *** - Provided by package: theora_image_transport - Publisher: This plugin publishes a video packet stream encoded using Theora. - Subscriber: This plugin decodes a video packet stream encoded using Theora. .. I'm not sure what to make of this. Why are the compressed and theora transports 'not built'? If I do a 'rosmake compressed_image_transport' as suggested, it completes without error but only because (I think) ROS_NOBUILD is set in that package anyway. I even tried removing ROS_NOBUILD and running rosmake, which did seem to complete successfully, yet list_transports still complains. I don't recall having to do anything special beyond 'apt-get install ros-cturtle-image-transport-plugins' in the past. Thanks, Pat