On Thu, 2010-06-24 at 10:48 -0700, Tim Field wrote: > Hi Cedric, > > Yes, that functionality is on our roadmap. Until then, you could look > to rosbag/recorder.cpp and rxbag/recorder.py for implementations of > bag recorders. It should be straightforward to add service-based > pausing/resuming on top of those. > > Fyi, notes on planned future ROS functionality are kept here: > http://www.ros.org/wiki/ROS/Roadmap. It's great to get feedback from > the community about what features would be useful, though. On a similar note, I'm interested in having rosbag support a service that can be called to get the name of the current bag being recorded and a list of subscribed topics. I'll write up a patch if I can find some time.