Dear all, my robot is equipped with a laser rangefinder and 9 infrared distances sensors. The rangefinder is scanning at z=0.2 while the infrared sensors are scanning at z=0.05. So it absolutely makes sense to put the readings of the infrared sensors into the local costmap to avoid obstacles not seen by the rangefinder. I publish a point cloud with 9 points in it (the distances read from the 9 infrared sensors mapped to the base frame). The maximum range of the infrared sensors is 0.4m. My costmap_common_params.yaml look like this observation_sources: laser_scan_sensor ir_sensors laser_scan_sensor: {sensor_frame: laser_link, data_type: LaserScan, topic: scan, marking: true, clearing: true} ir_sensors: {sensor_frame: base_link, data_type: PointCloud, topic: ir_sensors, marking: true, clearing: true, obstacle_range: 0.4, raytrace_range: 0.4, observation_persistence: 0.0 } The obstacles detected by the infrared sensors are correctly put into the costmap. The problem is that the marker cells aren't cleared. So when I move around my robot the robot is surrounded by occupied cells and path planning does not work any more. What can I do? Regards Christian