Python 3.0 hasn't been a priority -- there are far more libraries that don't support it yet, than do, and the non-backwards-compatibility of Python 3.0 is a huge deterrent. I tried as much as possible to be careful when writing rospy to support as little of a leap as possible to Python 3.0, but this carefulness has not been tested. I would happily accept compatibility patches, but I don't know yet if it is possible to support Py2/3 out of a single codebase, as scipy has done, or if it will require forking, as some other libraries have done. I'm planning on re-writing the inner i/o core of rospy, which may make external porting efforts more difficult to maintain. I probably won't do that re-write until e-turtle. - Ken On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 2:17 AM, Ruben Smits wrote: >  Hi, > > I have some questions about the support for python 3.0 in rospy. > I'm currently trying to use ros in Blender 2.5, but Blender 2.5 uses python > 3.0 which is not supported yet by rospy. > > So my questions: is there any roadmap to add python 3.0 support to rospy at > Willow Garage? How hard would it be to add python 3.0 support myself? > > Ruben > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > >