Hi, Hi, I'm trying to assemble some laser scans into a point cloud using laser_assembler tutorial [1] but the periodic_snapshotter keeps reporting that it is only publishing empty messages with zero points: [ INFO] [1280258736.674914761, 1275001489.217034967]: Published Cloud with 0 points On closer investigation this seems to be caused by a TF_OLD_DATA error generated by scan_assembler. Is there a recent change to how the time mechanism works in ROS? I'm running all these nodes on the same computer, using --clock with "rosbag play" (on the provided bag file laser.bag), and tried to run with /use_sim_time=True but the error still persist. TF error: Node: /scan_assembler Time: 1275001492.698066055 Severity: Warn Location: /opt/ros/cturtle/stacks/geometry/tf/src/tf.cpp:Transformer::setTransform:179 Published Topics: /rosout TF_OLD_DATA ignoring data from the past for frame /sensor_mount_link at time 1.275e+09 according to authority /play_1280258731455287347 Possible reasons are listed at My launch file for laser_assembler: [1] http://www.ros.org/wiki/laser_assembler/Tutorials/HowToAssembleLaserScans -- Hai Nguyen CS, Robotics