Hello ROS users, [ROS: latest C-turtle from the .deb packages on Ubuntu lucid.] I have a couple of questions, if you don't mind. They're related, but only in how I came across them, so I won't bore you with the details. First, on the wiki page for message_filters, it says the ApproximateTime policy classes aren't released yet and are only available in trunk, but I found the sync_policy headers in my latest updated cturtle tree from the .deb packages. It looks like that note is out of date, but I thought I should check before deleting it. Second, I noticed that (I think) 'rospack find' crawls $ROS_ROOT before any of the directories in $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH (rospack.cpp, line 1593). Why is that? All the setup.sh files add $ROS_ROOT to $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, so it seems unnecessary to crawl $ROS_ROOT explicitly, and it seems to break the search ordering implied by $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. Or is there something else going on that I'm missing? Thanks! Mike