Hi, I'm trying to start a rosnode with the roslaunch command and a launch file. The command I use to start the program manually is: 'rosrun ocl_2.0 deployer-gnulinux -s deployer.xml' which executes 'deployer-gnulinux' in the ocl_2.0 package with arguments '-s deployer.xml' My pelican.launch file contains: but when I launch this with 'roslaunch pelican.launch' it says: "... Exception:too many positional options Allowed options: -h [ --help ] Show program usage -s [ --start ] arg Deployment configuration file (eg 'config-file.xml') --site-file arg Site deployment file (eg 'Deployer-site.cpf' or 'Deployer-site.xml') -l [ --log-level ] arg Level at which to log from RTT (case-insensitive) Never,Fatal,Critical,Error,Warning,Info,Debug,Realtim e --no-consolelog Turn off RTT logging to the console (will still log to 'orocos.log') --require-name-service Require CORBA name service --DeployerName arg Name of deployer component (the --DeployerName flag is optional) ..." Which looks like the args don't get passed in the right way to the program executable. What exactly happens when this roslaunch command is executed and the args are passed to the goal program? Is it possible roslaunch adds extra elements here? How can I make roslaunch pass the right arguments to the program executable? best regards, Steven