I can't test this right now, but I encountered this before, and this is what I remember. When I did something like this: This would start program y with 4 arguments, the 4th of which is "ARG" however, if you do "rosrun x y ARG" this would pass 2 arguments to the program, the 2nd being ARG Ivan On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 11:51 AM, Steven Bellens wrote: > Hi, > > I'm trying to start a rosnode with the roslaunch command and a launch file. > The command I use to start the program manually is: > > 'rosrun ocl_2.0 deployer-gnulinux -s deployer.xml' > > which executes 'deployer-gnulinux' in the ocl_2.0 package with > arguments '-s deployer.xml' > My pelican.launch file contains: > > > > > > but when I launch this with 'roslaunch pelican.launch' it says: > "... > Exception:too many positional options > Allowed options: >  -h [ --help ]           Show program usage >  -s [ --start ] arg      Deployment configuration file (eg 'config-file.xml') >  --site-file arg         Site deployment file (eg 'Deployer-site.cpf' or >                          'Deployer-site.xml') >  -l [ --log-level ] arg  Level at which to log from RTT (case-insensitive) >                          Never,Fatal,Critical,Error,Warning,Info,Debug,Realtim >                          e >  --no-consolelog         Turn off RTT logging to the console (will still log >                          to 'orocos.log') >  --require-name-service  Require CORBA name service >  --DeployerName arg      Name of deployer component (the --DeployerName flag >                          is optional) > ..." > > Which looks like the args don't get passed in the right way to the > program executable. What exactly happens when this roslaunch command > is executed and the args are passed to the goal program? Is it > possible roslaunch adds extra elements here? How can I make roslaunch > pass the right arguments to the program executable? > > best regards, > > Steven > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@code.ros.org > https://code.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users >