Hi, I observed some behaviour, which seemed strange to me. I have written a simple publisher and a simple subscriber. The job of the subscriber is to receive the data packet of the publisher, and save the timestamp of the data packet and the time of arrival in a vector for later analysis. The publisher simply generates the timestamp and publishes the packet at a rate of 20hz. Now I made 2 test runs with a volume of 10.000 messages each run. I computed the latency (t_arrival - t_sent) and plotted it using matlab. Everything looked good. However when I change the setup slightly, the data gets distorted heavily. The only thing I changed was the way the publisher works. The publisher now sends 2 packets at a rate of 20hz. This was achieved by a simple for-loop. Pseudocode: repeat 10000 times: for (i = 1 until 2)   generate timestamp for packet   node.publish(packet) end sleep Here is a plot of the example, which seemed to work (one packet at 20hz) http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/4402/matlabros1.png Now when I do a burst of 2 messages at 20hz I get this: http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/70/matlabros2.png I further looked at the data to try to find out what happens. Since I save every timestamp I plotted them with switching between red/blue as a color. This is a plot of the first 50 messages/timestamps with red being the entry i and blue being the entry i+1 in the vector (i being the index going from 1 to 50 in this plot). To clarify here is a snippet of the matlab code: for i = 1:2:50 plot(i, ros_burst(i), '*', 'Color', 'r'); plot(i+1, ros_burst(i+1), '*', 'Color', 'b'); end This means the red star should be the first message of the burst. Here is the corresponding plot: http://img704.imageshack.us/img704/994/matlabros3.png I also plotted the whole data set with this color scheme: http://img827.imageshack.us/img827/3715/matlabros4.png I did not expect something like this to happen and unfortunately I can't explain this on my own. Is anyone familiar with this? The ros code I have written is extremely simple and if requested I can post the relevant parts.