On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 12:07 PM, Jared Marshall Glover wrote: > Sorry, I forgot the last two steps: > > (1) rm CMakeCache.txt > (2) remove from manifest.xml > (3) make clean > (4) rosmake > (5) add to manifest.xml > (6) rosmake hi Jared, I'm unable to replicate this problem. I tried the above steps in another package. On the second build (step 6), I see this in the beginning of the output (in topic_tools/build_output.log, in the directory that rosmake points you to when it's done): [rosbuild] Cached build flags older than manifests; calling rospack to get flags That indicates that rosbuild is re-running rospack, which causes it to get flags from the new set of package dependencies. I did the process again, replacing 'rosmake' with 'make VERBOSE=1' to see the verbose build output, and verified that on the second build, flags from the new package dependency were added to the compile steps. I'm at a loss to explain why you wouldn't see the same behavior. Is there something unusual in the timestamps in your working copy? Oh, and are you running cturtle? brian.