On Mon, Aug 9, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Travis Deyle wrote: > I was just wondering: Is there a way to record a subset of the tf tree when > doing 'rosbag record tf'? > > To provide a bit of context, I'm recording ~400 seconds of data.  The > desired sensor readings occupy all of 500 kB, but the tf occupies upwards of > 140 MB.  I only need a very small subset of the tf tree (not the whole PR2 > tf tree): /map, /base_link, etc. One option is to filter the bag after recording it. E.g., to get all the non-tf messages, plus the tf messages for one particular transform (in this case, odom_combined->base_footprint): rosbag filter in.bag out.bag 'topic != "tf" or m.transforms[0].header.frame_id == "odom_combined" and m.transforms[0].child_frame_id == "base_footprint"' If the transform of interest arrives in an array of length > 1 (e.g., from robot_state_publisher), then you'll have to do a little more work. brian.