
   So I have a rudimentary version working now. I downloaded the hokuyo sample code from

and adapted md_scan.c so that it outputs the data to a file which I then read from within a ros node.  Kind of hackish, but the problem was that the c++ version didn't compile on my machine (linker errors within SDL (?) ). 

I'm not sure if what I have is enough however. I guess the ros drivers do some postprocessing on the scan data before outputting, which I don't. I tried integrating with some odometry for my robot (which I know is fairly accurate) to do simple localization in AMCL and the particles jump all over the place and then the covariance blows up very fast to NaNs. Is this what you would expect with unfiltered laser data?

What should I do next? I can try integrating this code into the ROS hokuyo driver. It should be as simple as replacing the fopen with the setSerial code in the hokuyo sample code. I think that be best done by someone who knows what he is doing.


No, I haven't worked on it more. Because the problem is happening on the
open command, it isn't even clear that the MacOS USB driver is doing the
right thing. If I were you I would look for success stories for USB
Hokuyos on MacOS. They might give some useful pointers.

On Wed, 2010-08-11 at 18:13 -0700, wrote:
> Hi Blaise,

> Sorry for the 8months (!!) gap in reply. I was distracted by other
> things and stopped working on this. 
> But now I'm planning to get back to working on this and I was
> wondering a solution has been found yet ?

> cliff notes: Hokuyo not working on mac os x snow leopard, ros 1.0.0.
> fopen call on hokuyo tty hanging. reason unknown. last email of
> previous thread attached.