On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 11:20 AM, Alexis Cheng wrote: > Regarding the amcl initial pose, is it something that I can set and reset at > any point? For example, if amcl has already generated a particle cloud, > would sending a pose via the initial pose topic regenerate the particle > cloud with less uncertainty? Yes, you can reset it at any time. On each receipt of an initialpose message, amcl will generate a new particle cloud by sampling from a Gaussian distribution with the given mean (pose) and covariance. > Is there a way of adding noise to the laser scans? It's not built in anywhere, but it would be simple enough to write a little node that takes in the raw scans, adds noise (of whatever kind you think is realistic) and re-publishes them. If you do that, please share your code; it would be helpful for others! brian.