This goes way back in my memory, but I believe the behavior you describe is the behavior that was requested, i.e. a stamped message overrides the time the message was recorded in the bag file. In fact, I have a hard-to-fix bug ticket filed by a user that describes a situation where the stamped value isn't used. This behavior is because usually, when plotting, the stamped value inherent with the data is preferred to the recorded time, which is offset by variable latency of network transmission. You can always change this behavior in your own tree by removing these lines from if getattr(val, "_has_header", False): return "%s,%s"%(val.header.stamp.to_nsec()-time_offset, s) Another option is to use to write your own bag->CSV converter fairly trivially. HTH, Ken On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 7:05 AM, Gregory wrote: > Hi, > > I have a .bag file that contains different types of messages. When the file > was recorded some of them were generated by a running node and others were > published via 'rosbag play' from an older bag file, so they have a time > stamp from the past (like two weeks ago). > > Ok, so I tried to use: > >     rostopic echo -p -b bagfile.bag /topic1 > topic1.txt >     rostopic echo -p -b bagfile.bag /topci2 > topic2.txt > > to generate files that I can easily read from a matlab script which I use to > analyze the data. However the 'time' field in the text files is equal to the > 'header.stamp' field for all messages. So when I compare topic1.txt and > topic2.txt there is a two week offset not only between the 'header.stamp' > but also between the 'time' fields. Shouldn't 'time' tell me when the > message was recorded rather than what it's timestamp is? > > When I play the bag file all the messages are published and there's no > offset. > > Is this a bug in Or have I completely misunderstood something? > > I use cturtle. OS is Ubuntu 9.10. is at revision 10000. > > > Thanks in advance! > > Gregory > > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > > >