Pablo- I cannot vouch for the ARIA approach, however, as the developer of the p2os stack, I can say that we have launch files for doing SLAM with the gmapping package and for using the move_base node as part of the nav stack. There are some pretty good instructions at: and please email the ros-users list if you are having issues and I will be happy to help work them through with you. -Dave On Sat, Aug 21, 2010 at 10:33 AM, Pablo Hevia-Koch wrote: > Hello Everyone! > > I'm starting to use ROS, and I was wondering which way is the best to use a > Pioneer 3 AT + Hokuyo URG 04LX laser. I saw that there are 2 main > approaches, one beeing using p2os and the other beeing the amor-ros-pkg > which uses ARIA. Unfortunately, the ARIA amor package has no documentation, > and i've read that there are some problems using p2os. > > Anyone has a tip for me? > > Thanks a lot. > > Keep Creating, > > Pablo > > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > > >