Dear all, I would like to come back to the problem of communicating with a ROS system from windows. Especially in commercial applications it is highly appreciable to have a GUI for controlling, visualisation and parametrisation running on a Windows host as 99% of customers in industry run Windows. What ever one might think about this - its a fact and can not be ignored. The robot itself is equipped with a powerful Linux system running the whole ROS system. It is true that setting up a bridge from ROS to some other middle-ware like Ice is straight forward. On the other hand system complexity increases a lot when using a bridge. Also at least in the case of Ice licensing is a big issue when talking about commercial applications. The Ice license is extremely restrictive (and expensive). Some time ago I read about the intention to make roslib and roscpp OS independent. Is this really a big issue? In the situation described above one might need only a subset of the overall functionality. Starting in September 2010 I will have a trainee who's job will be to shed some light on this ROS-Windows stuff. Maybe we can discuss the steps to get roslib and roscpp compiling on Windows (using Visual Studio 2008 or later). Maybe someone started to work in this direction and can give some hints. Regards Christian