Just to focus discussion a little bit more. Windows comes into play in my eyes only as GUI front-end to a ROS system running on a Linux-PC equipped robot. Tools like roslaunch do not make any sense on windows where I need to hide everything behind a shine GUI. Of course it would be very nice to just compile ros libraries directly with Visual Studio on windows. But maybe the mingw cross-compiler is the best one can do right now. I would even link the whole ROS functionality into a shared library build with mingw on Linux giving that shared library an interface not using ros at all. That would mean I have to translate messages into something usable in my windows application but this has to be done anyway. That leads to the question if it is possible to implement a ROS node into a shared library and starting that node without roslaunch and environment variables like ROS_MASTER_URI. Does anyone did something like that already? > > Mingw is so incredibly slow on windows, I found the toolchain environ > really nice when I discovered it. I even managed to get qt+mingw cross > compiling, but qt isn't built well for cross-compiling - required so > many hard code hacks to make it build properly I don't think I ever > want to try sustaining that. I'd be interested to see how hard it is > to cross-compile wxwidgets with mingw. At the very least, if we can > get the ros libs and headers packaged up with the toolchain, windows > development can just unpack these and build with qt or similar, within > windows. > > Lots of questions, not many answers yet! > > The willow garage guys have just opened up a new project on their code > server - eros. It's goal is to assist with both cross compiling and > anything related to using ros on embedded systems. The mingw toolchain > is something I've wanted to look at as well, so if we can collate > information there from various people doing testing, that'd be good - > please sign up and let's use the mailing list/forums to jot notes if > you're interested. > > p.s. Not much there yet sorry, only been two weeks and currently a bit > bombed at work with projects closing and holidays approaching. Will > have some good time for it when I take some leave, but should have > ported some python scripts and patches to make cross-compiling easier > (from our Yujin Robot packages) within a week or two. > > Regards, > Daniel Stonier. >