No, you cannot set the master URI in the roslaunch file. - Ken On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Ivan Dryanovski wrote: > Hi, > > Is it possible to set the ROS_MASTER_URI variable from inside a launch file? > > I tried this: > > > > But it doesn't seem to have any effect, as seen in the output: > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > roslaunch pelican_launch gmapping.launch > > ... logging to /home/idryanov/.ros/log/7061568a-afcb-11df-a5c2-0026f288bc39/roslaunch-idryanov-desktop-10047.log > Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile. > Press Ctrl-C to interrupt > Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB. > > started roslaunch server http://idryanov-desktop:42454/ > > SUMMARY > ======== > > PARAMETERS >  * /slam_gmapping/llsamplestep >  ... >  * /slam_gmapping/linearUpdate > > NODES >  / >    laser_ortho_projector (laser_ortho_projector/laser_ortho_projector) >    slam_gmapping (gmapping/slam_gmapping) > > starting new master (master configured for auto start) > process[master]: started with pid [10061] > ROS_MASTER_URI=http://idryanov-desktop:11311/ > > setting /run_id to 7061568a-afcb-11df-a5c2-0026f288bc39 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > Thanks, > > Ivan Dryanovski > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > >