Hi all, I propose, or call for implementations if they exist, a CAN message type. Normally I don't send out an email for every message I make, but this relates to decisions that can influence the whole ROS communication paradigm, so I though I'd ping the community to see what people think. The idea is: most computers don't have CAN (or serial, anymore) port, and you usually have to write/adapt a driver to communicate on a CAN network. This driver often gets incorporated into the rosnode of whatever device is on the network, meaning that: A) the rosnode for the device is not reusable for people with different CAN interface B) The code has to be re-adapted to use the same CAN interface with another device I know of at least 3 nodes I have personally interacted with that have this structure. If we have a can message type, for example: uint64_t timestamp uint32_t id uint32_t datalen uint8_t data[8] then we solve both problems. Now, with some interface types (say for example usb) it would not be advisable to have a ros message representing a low level communication, due to bandwidth and latency problems, but I don't think this is a problem for CAN, since the maximum bandwidth is so low to begin with. What do you think, ros community? Is there a reason this hasn't been implemented before? Garratt