On Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 5:57 AM, Christian Verbeek wrote: >  Is it possible to have a map used by the path planner that differs from > the map that is used by gmapping for localization? The idea is to mark > certain areas as forbidden so that the robot never drives through these > areas. > > My understanding right now is that if I mark a cell as occupied this > information would also be used by gmapping. If I mark to many cells > manually this would lower the localization performance. hi Christian, Yes, you can supply a different map to different parts of the system, by using standard ROS name remapping. E.g., bring up a second map server, and remap its outputs and move_base's inputs to match: A more compact alternative is to push the second map_server down into a namespace, then remap only move_base's input: brian.