Hi, On the topic of TF's we have had 2 ideas floating around the lab, so I will raise them in this thread. First, it would be useful to have a tutorial explaining the convention of naming frames. I've come across "/base_link", "base_footprint", "odom", "odom_combined", "world", "map", "nav" etc. I have the feeling that the general answer to questions like this seems to be "Use whatever names work for you" and that's understandable, but some standardization could be useful, especially for groups working on similar robots. We were debating the naming system of our frames for the quadrotor, trying to fit in concepts such as global gps maps and local building maps, and we found trying to reuse the current frame names for the pr2 may not be optimal. A reoccurring problem is that ground robots use East-North-Up frames, while aircraft use North-East-Down for navigation. Second, we think it could be really useful if some filtering mechanism is built in tf to accommodate conflicting or partial tf's being published (like 1 frame having 2 parents). I'm not sure exactly how this can be achieved, but one idea is to add covariance information to each tf, and treat them in the same way that robot_pose_ekf treats Pose messages. Currently, If I want to have different parts of the system contribute different pose components for the same frame, I need to publish those as Pose messages, assemble them somewhere, and then publish a tf. Perhaps there can be "hard" tf's, which work in the way current transforms do, and "soft" tf's, which are run through a filter if there are conflicts. It might also be a way of solving the "4-bar link" problem that someone raised earlier on the mailing list. This shift from deterministic to probabilistic paradigm would probably require an overhaul of the whole tf mechanism, but the advantages are obvious. Ivan Dryanovski Bill Morris