Hello Deepak, I am a newcomer to ROS, having only heard about it last week. I believe that I will need to run the PR2 simulation environment for a course that I am taking and I would very much like to do so on my MacBook. From this email thread, it seems that you might be in the same situation. It seems to me that you are following some script in order to bring up ROS on your Mac. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? Can you tell me what script you are following? (It might be one of your own devising). I followed the "script" (i.e. installation instructions) given in the wiki at http://www.ros.org/wiki/cturtle/Installation/OSX and started trying to step through the tutorials, but failed at the step that said: $ rosdep install turtle_teleop rxtools That step failed, trying to load bluez, libbluetooth-dev, etc... Keeping in mind that I am a complete newbie, it seems that I haven't even gotten to the step of trying to do anything specific for the PR2. This all seems to be very generic stuff, and I can't even get that to work. Since that time, I found some wiki pages specific to the PR2, and tried bringing up the PR2 environment inside a VMWare box (running Ubuntu), but it seems that the 3D rendering doesn't work. I have also just noticed (with great interest) your thread on the mailing list. It seems that you are trying to do the same thing. I wonder if (at least) I can learn from you and/or (at best) we could collaborate in making this work for each of us. Do you mind if I ask you what you mean by the opening line of your email post: "CTurtle is now successfully installed on Mac OS X 10.6" Do you mean that you followed the Mac OS X installation instructions and everything went fine? Or did you do something else? Did you step through the tutorials? Did you run into and/or avoid and/or solve the dependency issues for turtle_teleop? I'm sorry for asking you so many questions...but right now I don't know what I don't know --wpd