On Fri, 2010-09-10 at 10:17 +0200, Adolfo Rodríguez Tsouroukdissian wrote: > Maybe in aerial robotics there is a different convention for naming > orientations and angular rates, but that does not make it _wrong_ to > call it differently in other application domains. In fact, it is not > uncommon in the general robotics literature to use the terms roll, > pitch and yaw to refer to a specific Euler/fixed angle combination > (c.f. Section 2.8 of Craig's Introduction to Robotics, citation below, > for an example). The important thing is to document unambiguously the > used conventions. This is one of those cases where the correctness is irrelevant. Both usages are common which is a mess, but having guidelines or best practices that describe reasonable defaults will help developers avoid these situation where users download a navigation algorithm from ros.org and find out the hard way that yaw has more that one meaning. I have my personal preferences but realistically if I were to create a best practices page I would state something like: ---- The terms "yaw", "pitch" or "roll" are commonly used to denote both the orientation and the angular velocity. This usage should be avoided to prevent confusion and a postfix should be added to specify if it is an angle or a rate of change. BAD GOOD Ground Aerial ---------------------------------- yaw yaw_angle heading yaw_rate yaw_rate pitch pitch_angle elevation pitch_rate pitch_rate roll roll_angle bank_angle roll_rate roll_rate The usage of "y", "p" and "r" are acceptable when a function accepts both angles and rates as inputs. These conventions should be used in both documentation and in variable naming to prevent confusion and accidents. ---- As a side note, pre-robotics, in aviation and I believe in nautical usage, the terms heading and yaw were used to disambiguate orientation and rate of change in orientation.