On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 1:36 AM, Ken Conley wrote: > Following the discussions on ros-developers started by Ingo > Lütkebohle, we've decided to upgrade our current processes for > proposing new features for ROS and its core libraries. ROS was > started less than three years ago, and back in the early days > creating new features usually meant Morgan, Eric, and myself > meeting in a room and deciding to rewrite everything from > scratch. Now, with over 30 institutions contributing public, open > source repositories and over 40 different robots supporting ROS, > we recognize that we must make additional efforts to incorporate > community feedback into the ongoing development of ROS. > > We decided to model our future processes off of the "Python > Enhancement Proposal" (PEP) process. The PEP process is fairly > lightweight and open to the entire community. > > Our new process will be called the "ROS Enhancement > Proposal" (REP) process. Thanks to the efforts of the Python > community, we were able to quickly boostrap this new process. > > You can view an index of REPs here: > > http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0000.html > > You can also review REP 1*, which defines the REP process: > > http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0001.html > > We will soon circulate several REPs for public comment to provide > information on current work with ROS. We will also circulate process- > and information-type REPs to help better define the REP process. > > We invite members of the community to review REP 1 and put together > their own REPs for consideration. These REPs should be sent to > ros-developers@code.ros.org. Further details are in REP 1. Good work, Ken. This looks like an excellent idea to me. +1 --  joq