It may seem nonsensical to ask about the "height" of a 2D costmap, but I am confused by what we saw today and could use some help making sense of it and deciding what to do. As mentioned in an earlier message, I am experimenting with costmap_2d_node to see if our autonomous vehicle can use it for sensor fusion. It seems to work OK in stage simulation. We are running ROS C-turtle on Ubuntu Karmic and Lucid. Today, we experimented with it on the actual car feeding it an obstacle point cloud from our Velodyne 3D LIDAR. I can view the PointCloud in rviz and it looks reasonable. But, when I view the obstacle GridCells, none appear. However, rviz can display the unknown GridCells (which is all of them). Strangely, they appear a couple of hundred meters below the car and the obstacles. This offset looks close to the actual elevation of our test area (209 meters above sea level), so I am guessing the map may think it's at elevation z=0. Our GPS odometry source publishes the actual elevation for the nav_msgs/Odometry message and /odom->/vehicle transform. There is (currently) a static identity transform from /map to /odom (0,0,0 translation and 0,0,0,1 rotation quaternion). So, I expected the map to appear at the same elevation as the vehicle and the odometry. I can't be certain whether this is purely an rviz display issue or inherent to the costmap, but I suspect the latter, because it would explain why no obstacles appear in the map, they are all way above the /costmap/max_obstacle_height parameter setting (2.7m). I did try adding 209 to the max and min obstacle heights to see if that would make a difference, and it did not. Another possible explanation is that the velodyne points are published as "/velodyne/obstacles". I can't tell whether costmap_2d allows a containing slash or not. Is it legal to set the /costmap/observation_sources parameter to "velodyne/obstacles" and then define parameters with names like "/costmap/velodyne/obstacles/sensor_frame"? Any ideas what is going on and suggestions for what to do about it? --  joq