I've been trying some of my code that was developed on Boxturtle on C-turtle, and I noticed something today: I have a message that contains a field of type geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped. I have bagfiles recorded from when my code was built on boxturtle that show the header.seq field within the Vector3Stamped incrementing on each publish, though my code does not explicitly set this field. With the same code built under C-turtle, the Vector3Stamped header.seq fields are always zero. Note that the seq field within the 'toplevel' header field *does* increment as before, and as before this field is also not touched explicitly by my code. The .msg file is like so: Header header # <-- the seq field in here increments in boxturtle and cturtle geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped latest_waypoint # <-- the header.seq field in here only incremented in boxturtle It's not a hard fix to change my code to increment the 'inner' header.seq on my own (and in fact I might just change downstream behaviour to look at the 'outer' one anyway) but I'm curious if this was an intended change. Also, when seq does get incremented automatically, how does this happen? When the message is published? Thanks, Pat