Hi, I am having some trouble with the rosbuild_untar_file command. I am using it to unpack a compressed .tgz file, created with "tar -zcf". Does rosbuild_untar_file work on compressed files? This is my cmake script: -------------------------------------------- cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.4.6) include($ENV{ROS_ROOT}/core/rosbuild/rosbuild.cmake) rosbuild_init() set(URL http://robotics.ccny.cuny.edu/data/ROS/ccny_exp_20100913_bags.tgz) set(FILENAME ccny_exp_20100913_bags.tgz) set(UNPACKED_NAME bags) set(MD5SUM 77f36f36e36d512967f3e4aaad5e09c5) rosbuild_download_data(${URL} ${FILENAME} ${MD5SUM}) rosbuild_untar_file(${FILENAME} ${UNPACKED_NAME} ALL) ------------------------------------------------ This is the output of make: ------------------------------------------------ ... [ 33%] Generating ../bags tar: Old option `f' requires an argument. Try `tar --help' or `tar --usage' for more information. make[3]: *** [../bags] Error 2 ... ------------------------------------------------ Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Ivan