On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 7:01 PM, John Hsu wrote: > Hi Patrick, > I forgot to mention you can run headless if you don't need sensor > generation: > http://www.ros.org/wiki/simulator_gazebo/Tutorials/RunningSimulatorHeadless > John Thanks. I found that page already. I've had some reasonable success running gazebo headless in my VMWare box and seeing the world through the camera view of rviz. It is incredibly slow on my poor little Macbook, but it's much more convenient than dragging a 450lb PR2 on the commuter train with me :-) And I can boot Ubuntu natively(*) on my Macbook if I'm not sure if there's something funny going on with the VMWare environment. (*) If anybody else on this list has dual/triple booted Ubuntu & MacOS on a Macbook5,2, I would love to chat with you about that. I have yet to figure out how to enable the 2nd core. --wpd