Hi everybody, after fixing problems such as "robot falling from sky", "robot explodes" and "robot explodes with help of a timed detonator" I now have the problem that my robot model "dances". The model spawns as it should be but then has a major tremor and falls on the floor still twitching. I multiplied the inertia matrix of the wheels by 100 which seems to solve the problem surprisingly. At least until I add the robot's arms. Then the arms and some other connected links, which were not twitching beforehand, have a small but noticable tremor. The tremor decreases but does not vanish when changing the mass value of the upper arm from 3.0 to 0.1. I did some trial-and-error stuff with the upper arm but could not find or fix the problem. So does anyone have an idea of how to solve this problem? Thanks, Ricarda