What is the typical usage when publishing transforms to match a urdf file? For example, the urdf file has the standard form: Link1 -> Joint1 -> Link2 -> Joint2 -> Link3 In my code, I tf broadcast the joint angles. (i.e. Link1 -> Joint1 and Link2 -> Joint2). But must I also broadcast the link transforms even though they never change? (i.e. Joint1 -> Link2 and Joint2 -> Link3). Is there some way to avoid this? But what I would REALLY like to do for now is just view the URDF file in rviz. But despite all origins being specified in the file, rviz says it can't find the transforms between the objects. Is there a simple URDF file viewer (in boxturtle)? Thanks, -Ben -- Ben Axelrod Research Scientist iRobot Corporation 8 Crosby Drive, Mail Stop 8-1 Bedford, MA 01730 (781) 430-3315 (Tel) (781) 960-2628 (Fax) baxelrod@irobot.com