

  I made some progress in trying to get this to work. Let me tell you where I'm at.


 What josh means is that you don't have to download and install the OGRE framework manually anymore. The ogre package does this automatically now including downloading OGRE. However, it seems like you need universal binaries for some OGRE components.


So if you're starting with a clean install of  ROS Cturtle, here's the procedure:

1.  Follow the instructions for installing the prerequisites for OGRE here:

Make sure that universal binaries are installed and active for each of these ports:

$sudo port installed libpng

should dispay the +universal ports as active. (For some reason, on my first pass, it missed some of these packages, so double-check).

Install Cg and OIS, though the latter isn't necessary.


2. roscd ogre; rosmake ogre

 This should now successfully build the ogre libraries.


3. Next try building the ogre_tools package.  It fails for me right now,  with the "-arch i386" flag appearing in the link command.   I've traced this to the wxWidgets port which doesn't have universal libraries. So `wxwidget-config --libs` adds "-arch i386" to the link script.  I am trying to see what the correct work around is. There is some explanation on the wxwidgets site but I'm a little hazy:

   Let me know how far you get with this.


Josh, could you tell us which version of wxwidgets you're using?





Patrick Doyle <>
Sent by:
10/04/2010 04:39 PMPlease respond toUser discussions

 bcc   Deepak Ramachandran/HRA/ASC/HONDA
 Subject   Re: [ros-users] ogre_tools broken on CTurtle/Snow leopard

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 5:38 PM, Josh Faust <> wrote:
> That was actually stale information -- I've updated the wiki.  The ogre
> package now builds ogre on OSX just like it does elsewhere.
> Josh

OK, I've gotten tired of how kludgy ROS development is on my MacBook,
switching back and forth between running in a VMWare box (where the 3D
effects almost work in some circumstances) and booting Ubuntu natively
(where, for some reason, the kernel only sees 1 of the 2 cores on this
particular model MacBook).

Also, I now know a little bit more about the ROS environment than I
did 3 weeks ago when I first interrupted this thread.

What does the wiki mean when it says "The ogre package builds ogre in CTurtle"?

I just tried editing stacks/visualization_common/rosdep.yaml to add
the lines suggested by Deepak:

and I ran

$ rosdep install ogre_tools
$ rosmake ogre_tools

The latter failed with:

ld: framework not found Ogre
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [../lib/libogre_tools.dylib] Error 1
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/ogre_tools.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

I downloaded and installed the nvidia-cg tools from the Nvidia web
site.  What else do I need to do?

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