On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 10:38 PM, ian_wk wrote: > I was wondering is there any minimum hardware requirements needed to run > ROS. > Currently, I have the same configuration for my icore7 and Intel Atom 1.6Ghz > I noticed alot of warning message when I run using Intel Atom. > E.g. Costmap2DROS transform timeout & Map update loop missed > > Is there any solution to reduce/eliminate the warning message? The first thing to check is that the warning is a result of the CPU actually being 100% busy. If so, then the first thing that I would try is lowering the resolution of the costmap, so that it has less work to do. Looking at the costmap_2d docs (http://www.ros.org/wiki/costmap_2d), you'd want to change the ~/resolution parameter (because it's expressed as meters/pixel, you should increase it). > I understand that we can sort of reduce the frequency. > My current tf tree Lowering the tf update rate shouldn't have a significant effect. brian.