On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 7:41 PM, Tully Foote wrote: > Bharath, > All frames are positions in free space in meters.  The camera frames point x > forward, and the frames with optical in them are z forward.  These > conventions are defined in REP 103 http://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0103.html > Having just looked through a bunch of URDF, I had a somewhat similar question -- when I see link with a name such as r_forearm_cam_optical_frame, to what does the origin of that link refer? Is it the location of the camera itself, or is it the focal point of the camera? (Not that I'm terribly sure what I would do with the knowledge of the focal point in 3D space, although I suppose it would be useful if I wanted to know the optimum position for holding something up to the camera). And diverging somewhat, to what point in space does the origin of something like the r_gripper_l_finger_tip_frame refer? Is it the center of the finger tips? Is it the portion of the finger tip closest to the robot? Is it the portion of the finger tip furthest from the robot? (I begin to see why biologists and doctors use words like "proximal" and "distal" in this context.) --wpd