Hi guys and girls, recently I'm having difficulties running my robot as it stops working after a very short time. I have narrowed the problem to AMCL, which stops working either (probably) at it's first resampling, or some longer time later. I have had all the navigation with amcl and static map on both costmaps running all right for a long time and this error started appearing during some testing of various parameters (no changes in packages) and then stayed untill now, though I have tried reverting or otherwise changing all I could think of. So, now some details. My ROS and all substantial components are the most recent version, including the yesterdays update. Costmaps are both using the same static map with no marking/clearing. TF tree is default (map->odom->base_link->laser_scan) and running on about 13Hz, all fine on view_frames. In rviz everything looks ok. Pose cloud appears after setting initial pose. When I send a goal, robot starts moving towards it, both in the real and rviz. And after traversing around half a meter it freezes in rviz (along with pose cloud and laser measurments), in command starts printing transform timeout with pose timestamp staying on the same value and amcl disappears from tf_monitor. In rxgraph and node info amcl still looks all right though. In the real, robot keeps going until it hits a wall... So the thing is, AMCL stops updating the pose estimate. What works a bit is to give the first goal very close, then the robot gets to it alive, and then usually manages to get to a second goal that can be far away. And then it freezes after reaching the second goal. I have been trying to repair it for a long time and run out of ideas.. Would be gratefull for any help. Dominik