Eitan and Tully, Thank you. The synthesis : $ rosinstall ~/icra10_navigation_ros icra_navigation_gazebo.rosconfig (using the rosconfig sent by you) $ source /home/emanuel/icra10_navigation_ros/setup.sh $ rosmake --rosdep-install icra_navigation_gazebo $ make test ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ source /home/emanuel/icra10_navigation_ros/setup.sh $ export ROBOT=sim $ roslaunch icra_navigation_gazebo blind_corner.launch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ source /home/emanuel/icra10_navigation_ros/setup.sh $ rosrun icra_navigation_gazebo blind_corner_send_goal.py ------------------------------------------------------------------ Before to see your message I was trying other thing ... After launch : $ roslaunch icra_navigation_gazebo blind_corner.launch I was trying to activate the controllers. I tried : $ roslaunch pr2_controller_configuration_gazebo pr2_default_controllers.launch And tried to send goals with RVIZ $ roslaunch 2dnav_pr2 rviz_move_base_local.launch I not was able to move the Robot. But, I will start to study now the Navigation package (http://www.ros.org/wiki/navigation ). Thank you again. Juracy